
The 2DView allows you to display three different types of plots:

Formatted text can be entered in each plot:

The following keystrokes allow you to manipulate the 2Dview: 

A: Axis switch on/off
B: Border switch on/off
L: Lable switch on/off
N: Recalculate the current plot
T: Title switch on/off
Space Reset view to start position

Use the left mouse button and the following keys to orient the plot: 

M: Magnify the plot by moving the mouse in Y direction
P: Move the plot with the mouse in X and Y direction
X: Rotate the plot about the screen x-axis by moving the mouse in Y direction
Y: Rotate the plot about the screen y-axis by moving the mouse in X direction
Z: Rotate the plot about the screen z-axis by moving the mouse in Y direction